
Infrastructure for communication and power

Leaders in critical infrastructures

Netel builds and maintains critical infrastructures in Northern Europe.


Netel is one of the few companies that offers a wide range of services across the entire value chain within Mobile. Netel's offering usually ranges from planning, permit management, expansion, commissioning to integration.

Fixed Networks

Within Fixed Networks, Netel offers solutions for fiber optics, upgrades of coaxial networks, expansion of communication networks in cities and broadband connections.


Netel's offering within Power includes preparation, planning, maintenance and expansion of electricity distribution networks.

District heating, water and sewage

We offer expansions and upgrades of infrastructure for district heating, water and sewage. We also carry out associated civil engineering work.

Our subsidiaries

Market leading niche companies

We have a decentralized organization with great local knowledge and short decision-making. The operations of our specialist companies are characterized by local entrepreneurship close to the customer.

Our subsidiaries