Magagement team

Netel Group’s management team meets regularly to jointly discuss the company’s development and make decisions on issues that are important to the business.

President and CEO

Jeanette Reuterskiöld

President and CEO

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Born: 1974
Joined Netel: 2023
Education: Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mälardalen University Västerås.
Other current assignments: Chair of the Board of Qflow Group AB. Board member of In3prenör AB and Svevia AB, and chair of the Nomination Committee of Sweden Green Building Council.
Previous assignments: Business Area President WSP Sweden, CEO Arcona and various positions at Hifab including CEO.
Holdings in Netel: 40,256 shares and 215,000 warrants


Fredrik Helenius


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Born: 1990
Joined Netel: 2020
Education: Master of Science from Stockholm School of Economics.
Other current assignments:
Previous assignments: Group Accounting Manager for Netel Group 2020-2023. Consultant in accounting and tax matters.
Holdings in Netel: 54,057 shares and 107,000 warrants.

Head of Power Division

Klas Eldebrandt

Head of Power Division

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Born: 1971
Joined Netel: 2023
Education: Technical upper secondary school
Other current assignments:
Previous assignments: CEO Bengt Dahlgren Projektledning AB. Various roles within Hifab for 15 years, including Market Area Director East.
Holdings in Netel: 1,390 shares and 107,000 warrants.

Head of Infraservices Division

Fredrik Land

Head of Infraservices Division

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Born: 1986
Joined Netel: 2021
Education: Higher Vocational Education, economics
Other current assignments:
Previous assignments: CEO C-E Morberg Anläggning & Energi AB, Senior Business Controller Netel. Various roles at BTH Bygg AB for five years, including Business Manager, and for seven years at Züblin Scandinavia, a subsidiary of the Strabag Group.
Holdings in Netel: 899 shares and 107,000 warrants.

Head of Telecom Division

Edward Olastuen

Head of Telecom Division

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Born: 1985
Joined Netel: 2015
Other current assignments: Board member of Olastuen Bygg AS, Olastuen Eiendom AS.
Previous assignments:
Holdings in Netel: 232,099 shares and 107,000 synthetic options.

Group Operational Support

Johan Olofsson

Group Operational Support

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Born: 1977
Joined Netel: 2010
Education: Post-secondary education in IT
Other current assignments:
Previous assignments: Service Delivery Manager and Project Manager at Netel. Twelve years of experience as an IT consultant before joining Netel.
Holdings in Netel: 83,799 shares and 107,000 warrants.