Magagement team
Netel Group’s management team meets regularly to jointly discuss the company’s development and make decisions on issues that are important to the business.

Born: 1974
Joined Netel: 2023
Education: Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mälardalen University Västerås.
Other current assignments: Chair of the Board of Qflow Group AB. Board member of In3prenör AB and Svevia AB, and chair of the Nomination Committee of Sweden Green Building Council.
Previous assignments: Business Area President WSP Sweden, CEO Arcona and various positions at Hifab including CEO.
Holdings in Netel: 40,256 shares and 215,000 warrants

Born: 1990
Joined Netel: 2020
Education: Master of Science from Stockholm School of Economics.
Other current assignments: –
Previous assignments: Group Accounting Manager for Netel Group 2020-2023. Consultant in accounting and tax matters.
Holdings in Netel: 54,057 shares and 107,000 warrants.

Born: 1971
Joined Netel: 2023
Education: Technical upper secondary school
Other current assignments: –
Previous assignments: CEO Bengt Dahlgren Projektledning AB. Various roles within Hifab for 15 years, including Market Area Director East.
Holdings in Netel: 1,390 shares and 107,000 warrants.

Born: 1986
Joined Netel: 2021
Education: Higher Vocational Education, economics
Other current assignments: –
Previous assignments: CEO C-E Morberg Anläggning & Energi AB, Senior Business Controller Netel. Various roles at BTH Bygg AB for five years, including Business Manager, and for seven years at Züblin Scandinavia, a subsidiary of the Strabag Group.
Holdings in Netel: 899 shares and 107,000 warrants.

Born: 1985
Joined Netel: 2015
Education: –
Other current assignments: Board member of Olastuen Bygg AS, Olastuen Eiendom AS.
Previous assignments: –
Holdings in Netel: 232,099 shares and 107,000 synthetic options.

Born: 1977
Joined Netel: 2010
Education: Post-secondary education in IT
Other current assignments: –
Previous assignments: Service Delivery Manager and Project Manager at Netel. Twelve years of experience as an IT consultant before joining Netel.
Holdings in Netel: 83,799 shares and 107,000 warrants.